August 17, 2017

Copyright for photographers

I found this video on YouTube and found it pretty interesting, so I thought I'd share it.

Canadian Copyright for Photographers with Don Komarechka

August 10, 2017

Dear Canon

I would love to see a "retro" dslr aimed at semi-pros and above, A full frame, maybe something like the old AE-1 but with an EF lense mount and a good auto focus system . Of course I could never afford such a camera. But I think it would be popular. Oh well, I still can't see well enough to use the camera I have.

--- Mark ---

July 15, 2017

What kind of photographer are you?

My vision seems to be improving; with any luck, I'll be able to get behind my camera again soon.

As I've been recovering, I've been listening to a lot of podcasts about photography and I see so many  different "labels", for example, sports, portraits or wildlife and so on.

After a bit of thought, I've decided to label myself simply as a photographer. Assuming that I can do it in the future.  I have so many interests that I I enjoy photographing that I just don't feel right in limiting my options to just one type of photography.

--- Mark ---

June 23, 2017


Unfortunately, my life has taken a turn for the worse.  This turn has adversely affected my vision, making photography imposible for me at this time.  My vision has been improving over the past year, but my doctors have been telling me that my vision loss may be permanent.  I hope they are wrong.  I really enjoyed photography and miss it very much.

Anyway, I ran across this video about Ansel Adams and I thought I'd share.  Hopefully, I can get back behind the camera soon.

--- Mark ---