March 5, 2018

Sensor Size

I recently saw a video on You Tube that I found really relevant, so I decide to share it.

I hope this is useful to some of you.

--- Mark ---

February 6, 2018

What Is Art

This YouTube video by "The Art of Photography" talks about art.  It is a pretty long video, but I found it quite interesting. So I thought I'd share it.

--- Mark ---

February 2, 2018


Should photography be a competition?

This video is helpful in answering that in my opinion.

--- Mark ---

December 25, 2017

About Photographers and Websites

While browsing through my favorite YouTube channels I stumbled accross this Video from "The Art of Photography" and felt it was worth sharing.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

--- Mark ---

December 19, 2017

Do Photos Need To Tell A Story

In my opinion, this video is quite good.  So I decided to share it.

For all of my photography friends, I highly recommend subscribing to this podcast.  I find it quite interesting.

--- Mark ---