December 9, 2017

RAW Versus JPG, what I think

For the record, I shoot almost exclusively in RAW.  However, due to some health issues that are affecting my vision, I may consider switching back to JPG.

I ran across this video on YouTube. I think it is a pretty good representation of why I feel shooting in RAW is important.

My opinion: Shooting RAW gives me the ability to recover more details in the highlights or shadows if I don't get the settings right in the camera.

I would prefer to get it right in the camera.  But I know that being visually impaired, sometimes what I see isn't the same as what others see.

For those who are interested in my personal journey, her is a limk to my personal Blog.

PS - my proof reader had to work this evening. So, please forgive any typo's. I did my best to re-read it myself.

--- Mark ---

December 4, 2017

The Blind Photographer

Well, it has been a while (almost 2 years) since I've posted (or even taken) any pictures.  But recently I decided to give it a try.  Last week, I attempted a photo to help describe my mood.

I call it "Postal" because I am very frustrated with the rate at which my vision seems to be improving.

It has taken me a while to edit and post it.  And I know it is far from perfect.  But I think I did pretty good for a blind man.

--- Mark ---

September 7, 2017

New gear isn't always the answer

Photography isn't about the gear. or should I say, it's not ONLY about the gear.

The following video was a recommendation made to me by YouTube, so I watched it.  I found myself agreeing with what he said so I thought I'd share it.

I hop it's useful to somebody.

--- Mark ---

September 5, 2017

Watch TWIP

I'm starting to recover my vision. Hopefully it will continue to improve.

In the meantime, I ran across this Web site and found that I really like most of their podcasts and videos.  This site may be known to many of my photography friends.  But, I wanted to share.

Visit the TWIP Netwok's homepage at:

--- Mark ---

August 17, 2017

Copyright for photographers

I found this video on YouTube and found it pretty interesting, so I thought I'd share it.

Canadian Copyright for Photographers with Don Komarechka